When Will the Continents Come Together Again

One of our favorite places to go for family holiday is called Craters of the Moon in Idaho. It's a weird identify that's covered with miles and miles of blackness lava rocks and fallow volcanoes. It looks much like the surface of the moon, except that there's no vegetation on the moon. Craters, at least, has a few copse and some sagebrush. Nearby, there's a place called Hell's Half Acre. The proper noun says it all. It's like to Craters of the Moon, just it'due south more than burned looking.

Whenever I have an opportunity to look across the area's dour pettiness, I imagine what the world volition look like subsequently Jesus comes. I wonder if it will finish up being a barren world of black nothingness, with mist rising from the depths of the cracks in the rocks. Sounds pretty unpleasant, just what'southward really going to happen to the earth? Well, at that place are really three major things that will happen when Christ comes.

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1. The World will be burned.

First, the scriptures tell us the earth will be burned to a crisp when he comes again (Jacob 6:iii). Christ himself will burn the earth. Christ is a celestial beingness. We oftentimes compare the glory of angelic beings to the dominicus. It's hot already in the middle of July, but imagine if the sun got whatsoever closer to the earth. It wouldn't be long before the world would be in flames.

Christ has that kind of celebrity (D&C 76:seventy). His presence volition be then radiant that the earth'due south inhabitants volition exist "consumed away and utterly destroyed by the brightness of [his] coming" (D&C 5:xix; McConkie, Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3:368–69).

ii. The continents will exist returned to their original positions.

Another thing that volition happen to the earth is that all the land masses will come together into one. When Christ stands on the Mount of Olives, at that place will be an earthquake the likes of which the world has never known. The oceans will gather into i place, and the land volition become one. Information technology'll exist cool! You'll exist able to drive to Japan, England, or Hawaii. All countries and continents volition come together and be united in preparation for the Lord to be their rex.

"He shall command the neat deep, and information technology shall be driven back into the north countries, and the islands shall become ane country; and the land of Jerusalem and the land of Zion shall be turned back into their own place, and the earth shall be like as it was in the days before it was divided" (D&C 133:23–24).

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Joseph Fielding Smith said, "By looking at a wall map of the earth, yous will discover how the land surface forth the northern and southern coast of the American Hemisphere and Europe and Africa has the appearance of having been together at ane time. Of course, there have been many changes on the globe's surface since the beginning. Nosotros are informed by revelation that the time will come when this condition will be inverse and that the land surface of the earth volition come up dorsum again as it was in the beginning and all be in 1 place" (Answers to Gospel Questions, five:73–74).

3. Earth volition receive its paradisiacal glory.

Merely what good is having the land masses come together if they're nothing just a massive charred chunk of country that looks like Craters of the Moon or Hell'southward Half Acre? Doesn't seem very pleasant, does information technology? Thankfully, nosotros have Church building doctrine to help us sympathize the third thing that will happen when Christ comes. The tenth article of faith says the globe will exist renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory. The word paradisiacal contains the word paradise. That sounds a lot ameliorate than Hell's One-half Acre!

"This earth was created in a new or paradisiacal state; then, incident to Adam'due south transgression, information technology cruel to its present telestial state," Elderberry Bruce R. McConkie wrote. "At the Second Coming of our Lord, it volition be renewed, regenerated, refreshed, transfigured, become again a new earth, a paradisiacal world. Its millennial condition volition be a return to its pristine country of beauty and celebrity, the country that existed before the fall" (Mormon Doctrine,796; emphasis added).

Can you imagine living in a identify like the Garden of Eden? I can hardly wait to experience that new globe when Christ comes. That'southward something to expect forward to and be excited nearly. Only there's more. The deserts and dry places of the world volition exist changed into beautiful gardens. Pools of water will give life to the land. "And in the barren deserts there shall come forth pools of living water; and the parched ground shall no longer be a thirsty land" (D&C 133:29).

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It's even possible that the centrality of the world volition be contradistinct and so that the change in seasons ceases, enabling united states of america to grow fruits and vegetables year-round (McConkie, A New Witness for the Manufactures of Organized religion, 649–l). It volition be a new world for us to alive in—a identify of peace and condom, a identify where God can bless his righteous children.

Then become rid of whatsoever ideas about some nasty looking piece of charcoal for an globe. Nosotros have so much to await forward to if we are righteous. God's greatest blessings are being saved for the faithful, 1 of them being an incredible new world.

Image from Shutterstock

Get more interesting insights in Roger A. McKenzie'southward volume, How Crawly Will Information technology Be?: A Teenager'southward Guide to Understanding and Preparing for the Second Coming,bachelor at Deseret Book stores and deseretbook.com.

What are the signs of the terminal days? How tin can I prepare for the 2nd Coming? What will happen when the Savior returns? Am I ready? Author Roger A. McKenzie answers these and many other questions almost the 2d Coming in this engaging book for Latter-twenty-four hour period Saint youth. Drawing on the scriptures, insights from modern prophets and apostles, and his unique mode of connecting with teenagers, the author helps young people understand the events of the times in which we are living.



Source: https://www.ldsliving.com/3-things-that-will-happen-to-the-earth-at-the-second-coming/s/89127

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